X Special Characters Copy and Paste – 𝕏 𝖃 𝓧 𝕩 ᕽ Ӿ ✕
Discover the coolest X special characters! Perfect for your next project or social media post. Copy and paste these unique symbols: 𝕏 𝖃 𝓧 𝕩 ᕽ Ӿ ✕. Make your text stand out! 🚀✨
X Letter Symbols
To Copy any symbol simply click/tap on it.
- 𝕏
- χ
- ᕁ
- ᕽ
- ⵅ
- Ҳ
- ₓ
- ҳ
- 𝙓
- ᙮
- 𐌢
- 𐌗
- 𝞦
- ×
- 𝞆
- ᙭
- ᵡ
- 𝚾
- ᵪ
- 𝙭
- 𝐗
- 𝐱
- 𝘹
- 𝘟
- ⨯
- ⴴ
- 𝚇
- Ӿ
- 𝚡
- 𝛸
- ☓
- 𝑋
- 𝟀
- ✕
- ╳
- ⓧ
- ⒳
- ✖
- ✗
- ✘
- ẋ
- ☠
- ẍ
- x
- Ẍ
- Ẋ
- X
- 𝑿
- ✘
- 𝜲
- 𝒙
- Ӽ
- ✗
- ⨉
- 𝑥
- 𝛘
- 𝜒
- 𝝌
- ⵋ
- ⌧
- 𝔁
- 𐍇
- 𝓧
- ͯ
- 𝕩
- ⧖
- ⛌
- ᚕ
- Ẍ
- ẍ
- ⤫
- 𝖃
- ⤬
- 🗙
- ྾
- x
- ㄨ

: Also Check The List :
Looking for eye-catching X special characters? We’ve got you covered! Easily copy and paste these stylish symbols: 𝕏 𝖃 𝓧 𝕩 ᕽ Ӿ ✕. Add some flair to your content today! 🌟🔥
Character | Character Name |
χ | Greek Small Letter Chi |
ᕁ | Canadian Syllabics Wi |
ᕽ | Canadian Syllabics Woo |
ⵅ | Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yang |
Ҳ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Kha with Descender |
ₓ | Latin Subscript Small Letter X |
ҳ | Cyrillic Small Letter Kha with Descender |
𝙓 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital X |
᙮ | Tibetan Mark Delimiter Tsheg Bstar |
𐌢 | Cuneiform Sign Mash2 Times Gish |
𐌗 | Cuneiform Sign Ash |
𝞦 | Mathematical Bold Small Xi |
× | Multiplication Sign |
𝞆 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small Xi |
᙭ | Canadian Syllabics Wuxwi |
ᵡ | Modifier Letter Small Chi |
𝚾 | Mathematical Monospace Capital X |
ᵪ | Modifier Letter Small Chi |
𝙭 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small X |
𝐗 | Mathematical Bold Capital X |
𝐱 | Mathematical Bold Small X |
𝘹 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small X |
𝘟 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital X |
⨯ | Multiplication Sign With Cross |
ⴴ | Osage Small Letter Xi |
𝚇 | Mathematical Monospace Capital X |
Ӿ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ksi |
𝚡 | Mathematical Monospace Small X |
𝛸 | Mathematical Bold Small Ksi |
☓ | Saltire |
𝑋 | Mathematical Italic Capital X |
𝟀 | Mathematical Bold Italic Capital Theta |
✕ | Multiplication X |
╳ | Box Drawings Cross |
ⓧ | Circled Latin Capital Letter X |
⒳ | Circled Latin Small Letter X |
✖ | Heavy Multiplication X |
✗ | Ballot X |
✘ | Heavy Ballot X |
ẋ | Latin Small Letter X with Dot Above |
☠ | Skull and Crossbones |
ẍ | Latin Small Letter X with Diaeresis |
x | Latin Small Letter X |
Ẍ | Latin Capital Letter X with Diaeresis |
Ẋ | Latin Capital Letter X with Dot Above |
X | Latin Capital Letter X |
𝑿 | Mathematical Bold Italic Capital X |
✘ | Heavy Ballot X |
𝜲 | Mathematical Bold Small Ksi |
𝒙 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small X |
Ӽ | Cyrillic Capital Letter X With Middle Hook |
✗ | Ballot X |
⨉ | Multiplication Sign With Dot Above |
𝑥 | Mathematical Italic Small X |
𝛘 | Mathematical Italic Small Chi |
𝜒 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small Chi |
𝝌 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Italic Small Chi |
ⵋ | Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yang |
𝕏 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital X (It’s also indicate Twitter) |
⌧ | X in a rectangle Box |
𝔁 | Mathematical Fraktur Small X |
𐍇 | Old Hungarian Capital Letter X |
𝓧 | Mathematical Bold Italic Capital Chi |
ͯ | Combining Latin Small Letter X with Middle Tilde |
𝕩 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Italic Small X |
⧖ | White Medium Square With Horizontal Stroke |
⛌ | Cross Mark |
ᚕ | Runic Letter Long-branch Oss |
Ẍ | Latin Capital Letter X with Diaeresis |
ẍ | Latin Small Letter X with Diaeresis |
⤫ | Reverse Tilde Operator Above Rightwards Arrow |
𝖃 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital Chi |
⤬ | Reverse Tilde Operator Above Leftwards Arrow |
🗙 | Squared Xi |
྾ | Tibetan Mark Initial Sad |
x | Fullwidth Latin Small Letter X |
ㄨ | Bopomofo Letter X |
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