M Special Characters Copy and Paste – Ḿ ෆ ṁ ᗰ 𝒎 ⓜ
Discover the coolest special characters for your next project! From Ḿ to ⓜ, we’ve got the perfect symbols to make your text pop! ✨🔥
M Letter Symbols
To Copy any symbol simply click/tap on it.
- ෆ
- M
- Ḿ
- Ṁ
- Ṃ
- M
- ⓜ
- ⒨
- Պ
- ṃ
- ḿ
- ṁ
- m
- ♏
- സ
- ൬
- ന
- ണ
- ൩
- 𝗺
- m
- 𝐦
- 𝗆
- 𝙢
- ⅿ
- 𝘮
- ɱ
- 𝚖
- ᗰ
- ₥
- ᵐ
- ന
- ₘ
- ͫ
- 𝖒
- ጠ
- ᶬ
- ო
- 𝕞
- ᙏ
- ṃ
- ᙢ
- ൩
- 𝒎
- ᵯ
- ᘻ
- ⩋
- ᗶ
- 𝓶
- ♏
- 𝑚
- 𝔪
- ጢ
- ⫙
- ṁ
- 𝓂
- ጡ
- ㎡
- ጦ
- ጣ
- ㎥

: Also Check The List :
Copy and Paste M Symbols! 🌟✨ Dive into a world of mystery with our collection of captivating M characters. From bold mathematical M’s to whimsical script versions, these symbols will elevate your text game. Click now to enchant your keyboard!
Character | Character Name |
M | Latin Capital Letter M |
Ḿ | Latin Capital Letter M with Acute |
Ṁ | Latin Capital Letter M with Dot Above |
Ṃ | Latin Capital Letter M with Dot Below |
M | Latin Capital Letter M |
ⓜ | Circled Latin Capital Letter M |
⒨ | Circled Italic Latin Capital Letter M |
Պ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe |
ṃ | Latin Small Letter M with Dot Below |
ḿ | Latin Small Letter M with Acute |
ṁ | Latin Small Letter M with Dot Above |
m | Latin Small Letter M |
♏ | Scorpius Sign |
സ | Malayalam Letter Sa |
െ | Malayalam Vowel Sign E |
ന | Malayalam Letter Na |
ണ | Malayalam Letter Nna |
൩ | Malayalam Letter Tta |
𝗺 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital M |
m | Latin Small Letter M |
𝐦 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small M |
𝗆 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small M |
𝙢 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Italic Small M |
ⅿ | Roman Numeral One Thousand |
𝘮 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small M |
ɱ | Latin Small Letter M with Hook |
𝚖 | Mathematical Monospace Small M |
ᗰ | Canadian Syllabics M |
₥ | Mill Sign |
ᵐ | Superscript Small Letter M |
ന | Malayalam Letter Na |
ₘ | Subscript Small Letter M |
ͫ | Combining Double Inverted Breve |
𝖒 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Fraktur Small M |
ጠ | Ethiopic Syllable Tte |
ᶬ | Modifier Letter Small Middle Dot |
ო | Georgian Capital Letter Man |
𝕞 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Italic Capital M |
ᙏ | Canadian Syllabics Cree M |
ṃ | Latin Small Letter M with Dot Below |
ᙢ | Canadian Syllabics Cree M |
൩ | Malayalam Letter Tta |
𝒎 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small M |
ᵯ | Latin Small Letter M with Middle Tilde |
ᘻ | Canadian Syllabics Cree M |
⩋ | Circled Cross Pommee |
ᗶ | Canadian Syllabics Cree M |
𝓶 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small M |
♏ | Scorpius Sign |
𝑚 | Mathematical Italic Small M |
𝔪 | Mathematical Fraktur Small M |
ጢ | Ethiopic Syllable Tto |
⫙ | Double Curly Loop |
ṁ | Latin Small Letter M with Dot Above |
𝓂 | Mathematical Italic Small M |
ጡ | Ethiopic Syllable Tte |
㎡ | Square Meter |
ጦ | Ethiopic Syllable Tto |
ጣ | Ethiopic Syllable Tta |
ෆ | Sinhala Sign Al-Lakuna |
㎥ | Cubic Meter |
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