L Special Characters Copy and Paste – 🅛 𝓁 𝕃 ℒ 𐤋
Copy and Paste L Symbols! 🌟✨ Dive into a world of elegance with our collection of L-like text symbols: ⓛ ⒧ ℓ ḻ ḽ. Express yourself like never before!
L Letter Symbols
To Copy any symbol simply click/tap on it.
- Ⓛ
- ⓛ
- 🅛
- 𝕃
- 𝕝
- 𝓛
- 𝓵
- 𝐿
- 𝓁
- 𝐋
- 𝐥
- L
- 🅻
- 🄻
- 𝕷
- 𝖑
- 𝔏
- 𝔩
- ⒧
- 𝘓
- ʟ
- 𝘭
- 𝙇
- 𝙡
- 𐤋
- ℓ
- ₤
- ℒ
- ȴ
- Ꝉ
- ₤

: Also Check The List :
Character | Character Name |
Ⓛ | Circled Latin Capital Letter L |
ⓛ | Circled Latin Small Letter L |
🅛 | Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter L |
𝕃 | Mathematical Bold Capital L |
𝕝 | Mathematical Bold Small L |
𝓛 | Mathematical Script Capital L |
𝓵 | Mathematical Script Small L |
𝐿 | Mathematical Bold Italic Capital L |
𝓁 | Mathematical Italic Small L |
𝐋 | Mathematical Bold Capital L |
𝐥 | Mathematical Bold Small L |
L | Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter L |
🅻 | Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter L |
🄻 | Squared Latin Capital Letter L |
𝕷 | Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital L |
𝖑 | Mathematical Fraktur Small L |
𝔏 | Mathematical Double-Struck Capital L |
𝔩 | Mathematical Double-Struck Small L |
⒧ | Circled Italic Latin Capital Letter L |
𝘓 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital L |
ʟ | Latin Letter Small Capital L |
𝘭 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small L |
𝙇 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Italic Capital L |
𝙡 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Italic Small L |
𐤋 | Ugaritic Letter El |
ℓ | Script Small L |
₤ | Lira Sign |
ℒ | Script Capital L |
ȴ | Latin Small Letter L with Middle Dot |
Ꝉ | Latin Capital Letter L with Diagonal Stroke |
₤ | Lira Sign |
All Lists
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