Emoji that Starts with Letter ‘C’ 🍒🎠🧀 Copy and Paste ✅💳
Discover the Coolest ‘C’ Emojis! 🍒🎠🧀 – Looking for the best emojis that start with ‘C’? We’ve got you covered! From cherries to cheese, find and copy your favorites now! ✅💳
Emoji that Start with C
🌵 Cactus
📅 Calendar
🤙 Call me hand
🐪 Camel
📷 Camera
📸 Camera with flash
🏕 Camping
♋ Cancer
🕯 Candle
🍬 Candy
🥫 Canned food
🛶 Canoe
♑ Capricorn
🗃 Card file box
📇 Card index
🗂 Card index dividers
🎠 Carousel horse
🎏 Carp streamer
🥕 Carrot
🏰 Castle
🐈 Cat
🐱 Cat face
😹 Cat with tears of joy
😼 Cat with wry smile
⛓ Chains
📉 Chart decreasing
📈 Chart increasing
💹 Chart increasing with yen
☑ Check box with check
✔ Check mark
✅ Check mark button
🧀 Cheese wedge
🏁 Chequered flag
🍒 Cherries
🌸 Cherry blossom
♟ Chess pawn
🌰 Chestnut
🐔 Chicken
🧒 Child
🚸 Children crossing
🐿 Chipmunk
🍫 Chocolate bar
🥢 Chopsticks
🎄 Christmas tree
⛪ Church
🚬 Cigarette
🎦 Cinema
Ⓜ Circled M
🎪 Circus tent
🏙 Cityscape
🌆 Cityscape at dusk
🆑 CL button
🗜 Clamp
🎬 Clapper board
👏 Clapping hands
🏛 Classical building
🍻 Clinking beer mugs
🥂 Clinking glasses
📋 Clipboard
🔃 Clockwise vertical arrows
📕 Closed book
📪 Closed mailbox with lowered flag
📫 Closed mailbox with raised flag
🌂 Closed umbrella
☁ Cloud
🌩 Cloud with lightning
⛈ Cloud with lightning and rain
🌧 Cloud with rain
🌨 Cloud with snow
🤡 Clown face
♣ Club suit
👝 Clutch bag
🧥 Coat
🍸 Cocktail glass
🥥 Coconut
⚰ Coffin
🥶 Cold face
💥 Collision
☄ Comet
🧭 Compass
💽 Computer disk
🖱 Computer mouse
🎊 Confetti ball
😖 Confounded face
😕 Confused face
🚧 Construction
👷 Construction worker
🎛 Control knobs
🏪 Convenience store
🍚 Cooked rice
🍪 Cookie
🍳 Cooking
🆒 COOL button
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🛋 Couch and lamp
🔄 Counterclockwise arrows button
💑 Couple with heart
👨❤️👨 Couple with heart: man, man
👩❤️👨 Couple with heart: woman, man
👩❤️👩 Couple with heart: woman, woman
🐄 Cow
🐮 Cow face
🤠 Cowboy hat face
🦀 Crab
🖍 Crayon
💳 Credit card
🌙 Crescent moon
🦗 Cricket
🏏 Cricket game
🐊 Crocodile
🥐 Croissant
❌ Cross mark
❎ Cross mark button
🤞 Crossed fingers
🎌 Crossed flags
⚔ Crossed swords
👑 Crown
😿 Crying cat
😢 Crying face
🔮 Crystal ball
🥒 Cucumber
🥤 Cup with straw
🧁 Cupcake
🥌 Curling stone
🦱 Curly hair
➰ Curly loop
💱 Currency exchange
🍛 Curry rice
🍮 Custard
🛃 Customs
🥩 Cut of meat
🌀 Cyclone

Catch These ‘C’ Emojis! 🍒🎠🧀 – Ready to spice up your chats? Check out our list of ‘C’ emojis and copy them with ease. Perfect for adding a fun twist to your messages! ✅💳